This new feature offers some brief reviews of some interesting new recordings…
Paul Guinery piano
EM Records EMR CD 088
Paul Guinery, whose voice will be familiar to listeners to R3, is also a virtuoso pianist with an extraordinary library of music. This is his third collection of music ‘on the lighter side’ – 22 tracks by mostly forgotten exponents. Even the few pieces by familiar names (eg Ireland, Bridge, Quilter etc) will be new to most.
The technical demands are met with extraordinary fluency, and if you like this sort of thing, then you will definitely enjoy this, but, perhaps, not all in one go

IAN WILSON: Orpheus Down
Gareth Davis bass clarinet
Dario Calderone double bass FP094
This work by Irish composer Ian Wilson (b. Belfast, 1964) is based on the Orpheus legend. It is scored for bass clarinet and double bass and employs extended playing techniques. There are whiffling breathing sounds on clarinet, strangely echoing raindrop percussion on double bass, and mysterious musical notes on clarinet.
The story is told in a powerfully filmic way. It is darkly adventurous, and Wilson’s music matches that darkness with his choice of instruments.