British Composer Profiles
British Composer Profiles is a biographical dictionary of past British composers living between 1800 and 2010. Gerald Leach’s work on two previous editions in the 1980s was recognised as a valuable resource, and the British Music Society has now published an expanded third edition revised, enlarged and edited by Ian Graham-Jones. The Chronology and Appendices have also been enlarged as further reference, and a new Introduction by Lewis Foreman offers useful insight into the background of the state of British music during the period covered.
Seven hundred and twenty composers are represented in this substantial 250-page dictionary. Each composer-entry contains brief biographical details and a listing of appropriate main works. Many of the composers listed will not be found in standard reference works, which makes this publication a first point of reference for those seeking basic information on the many British composers, some largely forgotten, who have contributed to our musical heritage since the beginning of the nineteenth century.